Astral Imaging at Dogwood Ridge Observatory

Latitude: 37°48'51.0" N"
Scottsville, Virginia 24590


(click on thumbnails to go to that image's page)







Image Information

NGC6946 is also cataloged as PGC65001. It is located on the border of Cepheus and  Cygnus constellations and is a spiral galaxy. It is always above the horizon in the Northern hemisphere. It's apparent size is 11.5x9.8 arc minutes at a designated apparent magnitude of 9. It too was discovered by William Herschel on September 9, 1798. It is considered to be a nearby galaxy at a distance of 10,000 (kly). It was once suspected of being an outlying member of the Local Group. As of December of 2004, eight supernova have been discovered in NGC6946. As of this date, it is a record holder of found supernova being only one more than that of M83. The galaxy is highly obscured by interstellar matter of the Milky Way galaxy and is found very close to the galactic plane.



800x533        1530x1050


800x533        1530x1020

This image is compiled from 32 - 20 minutes sub-exposures, 10 hours and 40 minutes.  Taken over a two night span, May 29 & 30, 2006,  the temperatures were -15/-10° C. This image was processed mainly using CCDStack, software by Stan Moore and available at  Image acquisition software was MaxImDl/CCD version 4.53. The images were saved as IEEE fits files and brought into CCDStack. CCDStack was then used to calibrate each image, reject blooms on 6-7 stars, impute rejected pixels, normalized, registered, a STD Sigma reject and then combined using median mean. The resulting image was then saved in 32 bit fits as well as 16 bit fits. The 32 bit fits was brought into CCDSharp for one iteration of sharpening and saved again in 16 bit fits for final touches in Photoshop CS2. Several curves adjustments were made as well as adjusting levels. A duplicate was made of the layer and a high pass filter was applied. Layers flattened and saved as 16 bit fits. Image was saved for the web as a jpg. I hope to add color in the next few days but due to weather conditions predicted, it may have to wait a while.

Color data added 6-17-2006. This took 3 nights to gather due to moon rising and weather so only partial nights were possible. A total of 480 minutes, each channel with 160 minutes taken with 20 minute sub frames.

Equipment Used:

OGS 10" RC @ f/9
AP900GTO Mount
Optec Pyxis Camera Rotator
Don Goldman's CRGB Filters
RoboFocus Secondary Focuser Equipped

Imaging Conditions:

Seeing:  Good to Very Good over the 2 night period
Transparency:  Good to Very Good
Wind:  None
Temperatures: 64-71° F over the 2 night period


  Last Modified :01/23/09 12:40 AM