Astral Imaging at Dogwood Ridge Observatory

Latitude: 37°48'51.0" N"
Scottsville, Virginia 24590


(click on thumbnails to go to that image's page)







Image Information

Quoted From Stellar Scenes Web Site
NGC925 / Galaxy, type SAB(s)d II-III
R.A. 02h 27m 16.8s (2000.0)
Dec. +33° 34' 41" (2000.0)
Apparent Size 10.6 x 6.0'
Radial Velocity +671km/s
Magnitude 10.5
Distance 30 million light yrs.
Group of Galaxies NGC925 Group
Other IDs UGC1913, MCG5-6-45
CGCG504-85, PGC09332
NGC925 is a bared galaxy positioned about 2 degrees east of gamma Tri that forms the base of the constellation of Triangulum. The galaxy has an expectedly large major axis of 10 arc minutes, but it's very dimmed so you might be needed fairly larger telescopes to appreciate the light of this minor outer galaxy. Although this picture hasn't been shown clearly, somehow you can see a bared structure stretched in east-west direction and two arms coiled up loosely. And there are several dots of nebulosity's along the arms. The constellation of Triangulum is famous for a major galaxy of M33, but the compact galaxy of NGC925 is another scenic spot in this small constellation.




800 x 522       1600 x 1045


This image is compiled from 8 - 15 minute Luminance images.  RGB data is 8 each for 15 minutes each for a total of 8 hours of data used. All data was acquired ACP Web Interface using MaxImDl/CCD version 4.56. Images were reduced and saved in MaxIm. The data was then brought into CCDStack where bloom removal, alignment, and sigma reject was performed to produce the master image. Photoshop CS 2 was used for curves and levels.  The image data was collected over November 23, 2006.

Equipment and Location Information

Date November 23, 2006
Location Dogwood Ridge Observatory
Optics OGS10" RC @ f/6.2
Mount Astro Physics AP1200GTO
Conditions Temperature middle  40's - 50's with very good to excellent  seeing. Transparency excellent.

  Last Modified :01/23/09 12:40 AM