Astral Imaging at Dogwood Ridge Observatory

Latitude: 37°48'51.0" N"
Scottsville, Virginia 24590


(click on thumbnails to go to that image's page)






The Bubble Nebula Region

Image Information

Quoted from From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

NGC 7635, also called the Bubble Nebula, Sharpless 162, or Caldwell 11, is a H II region[2] emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. It lies close to the direction of the open cluster Messier 52. The "bubble" is created by the stellar wind from a massive hot, 8.7[2] magnitude young central star, the 15 ± 5 M☉[4] SAO 20575 (BD+60 2522).[7] The nebula is near a giant molecular cloud which contains the expansion of the bubble nebula while itself being excited by the hot central star, causing it to glow.[7] It was discovered in 1787 by William Herschel.[6] The star SAO 20575 or BD+602522 is thought to have a mass of 10-40 Solar masses.


Bubble Nebula 

1600           2000


Bubble Nebula

NGC7635 Luminance

1600           2000


Bubble Nebula


1600           2000


NGC7635 Ha   

NGC7635 Ha

1600           2000


This image consists of RGB images all taken at -20°C at bin 2x2 for 10 minutes each. The luminance images are 15 minutes each binned 1x1 and at -20°. A total of 13 luminance images and 33 RGB images used for a total of 8.75 hours. All data was acquired using MaxImDl/CCD version 5.24 using ACP7.  Pix Insight version 1.8 was used for processing Dithered guiding was on. while guiding was very good there seems to be some issue with the data in this image. On closer examination the stars have an ice cream cone appearance and was present in each sub frame. System was checked for cable snags and no apparent reason was found. Imaging train is solid with no slippage. The previous image was taken without issue although in a much different area of sky. See here. 

The RGB and SHO image combination is the combined effort using the existing RGB image and the narrowband image, yet to be posted. The NB image has 13 hours of Ha data and only 2.5 hours SII and 3.5 hours of OIII data. Weather has reduced the amount of data I could get in NB but will continue if conditions improve. I aligned the two images and then used Photoshop to combine them using the luminosity blend mode.

Total usable data to date is:

Luminance: 195 minutes
Red: 110 minutes
Green: 110 minutes
Blue: 110 minutes
Ha: 780 minutes
SII: 150 minutes
OIII: 210 minutes
=27.75 hours

Equipment and Location Information

Date October 4-28, 2013
Location Dogwood Ridge Observatory
Optics Optical Guidance Systems 12.5" RC @f/9
Mount Astro Physics AP1200GTO
Camera SBIG STL-11000M/FW10/
Filters Baader LRGB Ha 7nm,SII 8nm, OIII 8.5nm - 50.8mm Unmounted Filters
Conditions Temperature low to mid 30s with moderate to good  seeing. Transparency good to moderate.

  Last Modified :10/02/12 01:10 PM