Astral Imaging at Dogwood Ridge Observatory

Latitude: 37°48'51.0" N"
Scottsville, Virginia 24590


(click on thumbnails to go to that image's page)






NGC6822 - Barnard's Galaxy

Image Information

Quoted from SEDS:

Discovered by E.E. Barnard in 1884.

NGC 6822 was discovered by E.E. Barnard in 1884 with a 6-inch refractor. This is an irregular member galaxy of the Local Group, as was recognized by Hubble and Humason in the 1920s. It was the third galaxy beyond the Magellanic clouds where Cepheid variables have been found, after M31 and M33 [see reference].

  • This galaxy contains a conspicuous nebula, nicknamed the Bubble Nebula, which has also been photographed by David Malin with the AAT. NGC 6822 is included as No. 57 in Patrick Moore's Caldwell Catalogue and in the RASC's Deep Sky Challenge Objects list.


  • NED data of NGC 6822
  • SIMBAD Data of NGC 6822
  • Publications on NGC 6822 (NASA ADS)
  • Observing Reports for NGC 6822 (IAAC Netastrocatalog)
  • NGC Online data for NGC 6822




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    There are 8 - 20 minute RGB images and 10 - 20 minute luminance images used in this LRGB image. The RGB data is compiled of 8-20 minute red, blue, and green images. A total of 11 hours of data was used for this image. All data was acquired using MaxImDl/CCD version 5.15 using ACP.   Images were reduced and saved using the Image Calibration tool in Pix Insight.  Alignment, average combining, along with histogram stretching, deconvolution, and HDRWavelets was done using Pix Insight 1.7.  HDR composition was done on the luminance data before being combined. Photoshop CS 5 was used to create the JPG versions for web presentation.  The image data was collected between September  7-13, 2012.

    Equipment and Location Information

    Date September 7-13, 2012
    Location Dogwood Ridge Observatory
    Optics Optical Guidance Systems 12.5" f/9 Ritchey-Chretien Tube Assembly
    Mount Astro Physics AP1200GTO
    Camera SBIG STL11000M
    Filters Baader LRGB 2" unmounted in the SBIG FW8
    Conditions Temperature middle  60s -  low 50s with very moderate  seeing. Transparency good to moderate.

      Last Modified :01/23/09 12:40 AM