Astral Imaging at Dogwood Ridge Observatory

Latitude: 37°48'51.0" N"
Scottsville, Virginia 24590


(click on thumbnails to go to that image's page)






NGC3628 - The Hamburger Galaxy

Image Information

Quoted from SEDs:
Discovered by William Herschel in 1784.

NGC 3628 forms a conspicuous group with M65 and M66, the Leo Triplet or M66 group (named after the brightest of the three).

NGC 3628 is the faintest and most difficult in the group, just faint enough to have escaped Messier's small telescopes (although it may be that his later instruments might have shown it, if he had ever looked at this place under very good conditions). Thus its discovery was left to William Herschel who cataloged it as H V.8 following its discovery on April 8, 1784.

NGC 3628 is seen edge-on. A conspicuous band of dark dust clouds form a broad equatorial band, which obscures the galaxy's bright central region, and hides most of the bright young stars in its spiral arms. The dust band, or belt, is obviously distorted and deformed in the outer regions of the galaxy. The reason for this deformation is evidently the gravitational interaction with its two bright neighbors, M65 and M66.



800           1600

This image is compiled from 16 - 20 minute luminance images binned 1x1 for a total of 5-1/3  hours.  All data was acquired using MaxImDl/CCD version 5 using ACP.   Images were calibrated and De-Bloomed in MaxIm using Ron Wodaski's De-Bloomer plug-in. All images aligned,  averaged combined, 50 iterations of Regularized Lucy Richardson de-convolution, and histogram adjusted at 32 bit depth using  Pix Insight version 1.6.9. Photoshop CS 5 was used to create the web version JPGs.

Equipment and Location Information

Date March 1 - 2, 2011
Location Dogwood Ridge Observatory
Optics OGS 12.5" RC
Mount Astro Physics AP1200GTO
Filters Baader LRGB 1.25" mounted
Conditions Temperature middle  20 -  mid 30s with very moderate  seeing. Transparency good to moderate.

  Last Modified :01/23/09 12:40 AM