Astral Imaging at Dogwood Ridge Observatory

Latitude: 37°48'51.0" N"
Scottsville, Virginia 24590


(click on thumbnails to go to that image's page)







Image Information

Quoted from SEDS

  • NGC 1275 was one of William Herschel's discoveries; he found it on October 17, 1786. John Herschel included it in the GC from observations of d'Arrest and apparently never observed it himself.

    It is the dominant member of the Perseus Cluster of Galaxies and a strong radio source, therefore named Perseus A, and 3C 84 from its entry in the 3rd Cambridge Catalogue of Radio Sources. It is also a strong X-ray source. Its nucleus shows emission lines and is of Seyfert type 1 - this galaxy was in Carl Seyfert's original list of galaxies with peculiar emission lines in their nucleus, now called Seyfert galaxies. Filaments of gaseous material are moving explosively outward at 1500 miles per second.

  • Supernova 1968A was discovered in NGC 1275 on January 25, 1968 by Lovas 7"E and 24"S of the galaxy's nucleus and reached mag 15.5 (IAUC 2051).


  • Hubble Space Telescope images of Perseus A:
  • NGC 1275 gaseous filaments and HST view from Bill Keel's Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei collection
  • NGC 1275 in the X-rays, Chandra X-ray Observatory
  • NGC 1275 by Rosat HRI
  • 3C 84 in radio light (VLA)


  • SIMBAD Data for NGC 1275
  • NED Data for NGC 1275
  • Observing Reports for NGC 1275 (IAAC Netastrocatalog)

    1600           800


    There are 8/8/9 RGB - 20 minute and 15 - 20 minute luminance images used in this LRGB image.  A total of 13-1/3 hours of data was used for this image. All data was acquired using MaxImDl/CCD version 5.15 using ACP.   Images were reduced and saved in MaxImDl version 5.  Alignment, average combining, along with histogram stretching, deconvolution, and HDRWavelets was done using Pix Insight. Two new tools in Pix Insight, HDRMultiscaleTransform and MultiScaleMedianTransform, were used to greatly reduce noise and bring out the faint detail in NGC-1275. Photoshop CS 5 was used to create the JPG versions for web presentation.  The image data was collected between October 29-30, 2011 using ACP version 6.2.

    Looking at the image linked image in TheSky X Pro I see that there are at least 31 listed galaxies with some not being listed at all. They range from 12th magnitude to 18.62 with several listed as unknown. The list of galaxies is:

    PGC3084851 (unkn), PGC12507 (unkn), PGC12511 (15.36), PGC12505 , NGC-1283, PGC3084798, PGC12423, PGC2181376, NGC-1272, PGC12358, NGC-1270, PGC2182115,

    Equipment and Location Information

    Date October 29-30, 2011
    Location Dogwood Ridge Observatory
    Optics Optical Guidance Systems 12.5" RC
    Mount Astro Physics AP1200GTO
    Camera SBIG ST10-XME
    Filters Baader LRGB
    Conditions Temperature middle  40s -  low 30s with moderate  seeing. Transparency good to moderate.

      Last Modified :01/23/09 12:40 AM