Astral Imaging at Dogwood Ridge Observatory

Latitude: 37°48'51.0" N"
Scottsville, Virginia 24590


(click on thumbnails to go to that image's page)






Soap Bubble Nebula in Cygnus
PN G75.5+1.7
Image Information

Quoted from NOAO:

Informally known as the "Soap Bubble Nebula", this planetary nebula (officially known as PN G75.5+1.7) was discovered by amateur astronomer Dave Jurasevich on July 6th, 2008. It was noted and reported by Keith Quattrocchi and Mel Helm on July 17th, 2008. This image was obtained with the Kitt Peak Mayall 4-meter telescope on June 19th, 2009 in the H-alpha (orange) and [OIII] (blue) narrowband filters. In this image, north is to the left and east is down.

PN G75.5+1.7 is located in the constellation of Cygnus, not far from the Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888). It is embedded in a diffuse nebula which, in conjunction with its faintness, is the reason it was not discovered until recently. The spherical symmetry of the shell is remarkable, making it very similar to Abell 39.









PN G75.5+1.7 HA_RGB 

RGB with Ha used as Luminance

PN G75.5+1.7 HA_RGB

1600         2000


PN G75.5+1.7 HA+RGB

RGB with Ha Layered in with Luminosity Blend

PN G75.5+1.7 HA+RGB

1600         2000



PN G75.5+1.7 RGB

1600         2000


PN G75.5+1.7 Full Ha Crop

Full Crop Ha

PN G75.5+1.7 HA+RGB Crop


This image consists of 34 Hydrogen Alfa 30 minute exposures for a total of 17 hours and an additional 15.25 hours of RGB data, with 4.75 hours red, 6 hours of green, and 4.5 hours of blue images all in 15 minute 2x2 binned images. The HA images are binned 1x1. All taken at -15°C. All data was acquired using MaxImDl/CCD version 5.24 using ACP8 and Scheduler8.  Pix Insight version was used for processing. Dithered guiding was on. An additional 11 hours of OIII and 8.5 hours of SII has been taken but not used as of yet. This project was started back in early April and continued until late September with ACP Expert controlling the imaging taking the Narrowband data during optimum times and the RGB data when the Moon was down. ACP Expert has made this possible while I sleep and it tracks the best times to image these objects by my setting up the conditions such as minimum altitude, distance from the Moon, times before and after crossing the Meridian and so forth. This allows for a multitude of mixed imaging targets based on my priority settings giving me full automated control over the data gathering process.

Equipment and Location Information

Date April 6 - Sept. 23, 2015
Location Dogwood Ridge Observatory
Optics Optical Guidance Systems 12.5" RC @f/9
Mount Astro Physics AP1200GTO
Camera SBIG STL-11002M/CW8
Filters Baader LRGB Ha 7nm,SII 8nm, OIII 8.5nm - 50.8mm Unmounted Filters
Conditions Temperature low to mid 50s - 60s with moderate to good  seeing. Transparency good.

  Last Modified :10/02/12 01:10 PM